User: Pattern Surveillance Officer Jules Stewart

Current Location: Liverpool Corporate Strata

Verification Rating: 63%

Case 167: The Mysterious Disappearance of Estelle Fischer


Pattern Surveillance Officer Jules Stewart has once again triumphed and, using your memories, citizens of the Liverpool Corporate Strata, has solved the case of Estelle Fischer’s mysterious disappearance.


Read PSO Stewart's memories of the investigation, stored here in this archive. Explore the reminiscences of residents of the city that intersect with this case, and discover exactly what was going on in Liverpool in 2115. To return here use the Case 167 button.

Residents reminiscences,

captured in the Tate Gallery recreation facility


This is a collaborative novel written with the contributions of more than seventy people, who collectively imagined life in Liverpool in 2115 and together solved this curious case. Read on.