User: Pattern Surveillance Officer Jules Stewart

Current Location: Liverpool Corporate Strata

Verification Rating: 63%

Memory Archive Case 167: The Mysterious Disappearance of Estelle Fischer

Select items below to read PSO Stewart's memory transcripts of this investigation, recollections of the city's residents pulled from across the network and related news items. Each item has been awarded a verification rating by The Memory Store(a subsidiary of Monanzo), to help you assess the veracity of content. The company take no responsibility for information stored here. To return here use the Memory Archive button, to return to the first page use the Case 167 button.


This archive can be rearranged to show, not only this map of the investigation but memories catalogued in the following sections: Epidemics, Environment, Politics, Technology, Riots and Protests, Street level, Relationships, The Corporate Strata, Entertainment, War, Crime.